Surgical Services
Flinders Private Hospital provides a broad range of surgical services for both day surgical procedures and overnight stay, including contracted surgical procedures for the public hospital, Flinders Medical Centre. We have nine theatres (two cardiothoracic theatres) and one procedural rooms all equipped with the latest technology to provide the best care available for our patients.Flinders Private Hospital has dedicated cardiothoracic theatres and in collaboration with the public hospital Flinders Medical Centre, our theatres perform the majority of cardiothoracic procedures in the southern Adelaide region. Our Cardiothoracic Surgeons, Medical and Nursing staff are recognised internationally as providing excellence in care for patients requiring cardiac and thoracic interventions. Our theatres are ready 24/7 for any emergency surgical procedure and being co-located to Flinders Medical Centre, there is a helipad available for air ambulance retrievals. You can find out more about our Cardiothoracic Surgery Service here.
At Flinders Private Hospital we see a large number of ENT surgical cases every year. Our ENT theatres are equipped to perform a range of surgeries and have a mix of day surgical and overnight cases for both adults and paediatric patients. The latest technology in laser treatments provides a minimally invasive approach to a number of surgeries.
Our ENT surgeries include:
- Head and neck cancer surgery
- Skull base and pituitary surgery
- Microlaryngoscopy (voice and larynx)
- Advanced rhinology and sinus surgery
- Cochlear implants
- Paediatric ENT surgery
- Snoring and sleep apnoea surgery
Our Specialists are supported by a Critical Care Unit and surgical ward with dedicated ENT Nurses and Allied Health professionals. Our Medical Officers are rostered on-site 24/7.
Flinders Private Hospital has a modern Day Procedure Unit with private rooms and two procedural theatres with state-of-the-art equipment to provide gastroenterology services for the treatment and diagnosis of disorders of the digestive system (the oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon and rectum). The specialised equipment allows minimally invasive surgery utilising gastroscopes to assist our Gastroenterologists and General Surgeons to diagnose and treat common diseases such as:
- Colon disease, Polyps and Cancer
- Colitis
- Gastroesophageal Reflux (heartburn)
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- Nutritional Problems
- Peptic Ulcers
The following procedures are performed in the procedure rooms:
- Oesophageal, biliary, and colonic dilation and stenting
- Colonoscopy
- Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
- Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
Our surgeons perform a wide range of colonoscopic procedures including endoscopic mucosal resections (EMR) and are accredited by the Gastroenterological Society of Australia (GESA).
In some cases, an operation may be undertaken using the da Vinci Xi Surgical System. You can find out more information regarding Robotic Surgery here.
Rapid Access PR Bleed Clinic
For Endoscopy / Colonoscopy procedures
The Colorectal Specialist Group in conjunction with Flinders Private Hospital offers a streamlined service for patients requiring an Endoscopy / Colonoscopy procedure.
The PR Bleed Clinic provides a streamlined service for patients requiring diagnostic investigations associated with PR Bleeding. Frequently, the indications for an endoscopy / colonoscopy assessment are clear and your General Practitioner may choose to include one in the work-up for your symptoms. Common indications would be for the presence of faecal occult stool blood (FOBT), or iron deficiency anaemia. For this we would facilitate endoscopy / colonoscopy as a direct access procedure, allowing for assessment on the day only.
Patients require a Direct Access Endoscopy / Colonoscopy referral form from their General Practitioner. Simply return the completed referral form via fax to 08 8275 3197 and an appointment will be made. For all enquiries regarding this service please call 08 8371 3077.
However, should you choose to seek specialist opinion prior, this can also be arranged.
General Surgery is a major specialty at Flinders Private Hospital and our large group of General Surgeons are also qualified with sub-specialties including:
- Bariatric Procedures
- Breast Surgery
- Endocrine Surgery
- Colorectal Surgery
- Gastroenterology
- Hepatobiliary Surgery
Our theatres are equipped with the latest technology to provide the most current choices in diagnostic and minimally invasive surgical techniques for our patients.
Flinders Private Hospital has two surgical wards providing 70 beds, all with ensuite facilities. Our Surgeons work closely with a dedicated group of Anaesthetists, Anaesthetic Nurses, theatre and recovery Nurses and Allied Health professionals who provide the highest level of care for our patients.
You can find out more about our General Surgery Service here.
Flinders Private Hospital offers a broad range of treatment options for all gynaecological conditions, from same day procedures such as Colposcopies to more complex surgeries for the treatment of gynaecological cancers. At Flinders Private Hospital we support our Surgeons with the latest equipment in laparoscopic and laser technologies. Post operative care is provided by specialised Nurses and Allied Health professionals on our surgical ward.
In some cases, an operation may be undertaken using the da Vinci Xi Surgical System. You can find out more information regarding Robotic Surgery here
Flinders Private Hospital is pleased to announce we have increased our surgical services and have recommenced Neurosurgery to meet an increased demand in our southern community.
Our Neurosurgery service treats neurosurgical illnesses involving the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves. Areas of expertise include but are not limited to:
- Treatment and management of spinal disease
- Peripheral nerve surgery
- Complex spinal surgery
- Spinal trauma
- Minimally invasive spinal surgery
- Brain tumours /neuro oncology
Our dedicated team support our doctors in providing the highest level of patient centered care. Our services include:
- Dedicated Neurosurgical ward
- Dedicated Neurosurgical Liaison Nurse
- Experienced Neurosurgical Nurses
- Experienced Neuro Physiotherapists
- 10 bed Critical Care Unit
- Medical Officers rostered on-site 24/7
The Ophthalmologists at Flinders Private Hospital and the Flinders Eye Centre, treat a broad range of conditions of the eye. The Day Ophthalmic Surgical Unit is located within the Flinders Eye Centre and if admission is required overnight, our patients are settled into the surgical ward in Flinders Private Hospital.
Our ophthalmic procedures include:
- Adult Squint Surgery
- Blepharoplasty
- Cataract surgery
- DALK (deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty)
- DSEK (Descemet’s stripping endothelial keratoplasty)
- Ectropion
- Entropion
- Lacrimal, orbital and eyelid tumours
- Management of glaucoma
- Paediatric Ophthalmology
- PKP (full-depth corneal transplantation)
- Pterygia
- Ptosis
- Retinal Surgery
- Tear duct problems
Flinders Private Hospital specialises in the care of patients requiring treatment for orthopaedic conditions including sporting injuries, fractures, dislocations and patients requiring joint replacement surgery.
You can find out more about our Orthopaedic Surgery service here.
Flinders Private Hospital Paediatric Service has a dedicated group of Paediatric Surgeons with expertise to care for your child from newborn to teenage years.
We provide the following paediatric surgical specialties:
- Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery
- Gastroenterology (endoscopies and colonoscopies)
- Orthopaedic Surgery
- Paediatric General Surgery
- Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- Urology
Our services include:
- Paediatric surgical beds
- Experienced Paediatric Nurses
- Medical Officers rostered on-site 24/7
- Neo-natal Intensive Care on-site
- “Flyn” the Flinders Private Hospital Bear
Please refer to Paediatric Services for more information about our surgical services and Southside Kids, for information regarding our paediatric clinic.
Flinders Private Hospital is experienced in providing treatment and management of patients with persistent pain conditions including spine (back and neck) pain, muscle pain, joint pain, headaches, failed back surgery pain and sciatica as well as complex pain syndromes.
We specialise in interventional procedures for pain management including:
- Rhizolysis
- Spinal cord and peripheral nerve stimulation
- Facet joint injections
- Medial branch blocks
- Epidural steroid injections
Post operative care is provided in a 30 bed ward where our specialised clinical staff are dedicated to caring for patients undergoing surgical interventions. The service is supported by our Allied Health team, on-site medical cover and critical care services.
At Flinders Private Hospital our Plastic and Reconstructive Specialists provide a comprehensive range of surgical services including:
- Hand and wrist surgery
- Breast reconstructive surgery
- Aesthetic surgery of face, breast and body
- Skin cancer surgery
Post operative care is provided in a dedicated surgical ward with specialised nurses and an experienced multidisciplinary team.
Urology is the surgical specialty relating to the female and male urinary tract and the male reproductive organs. At Flinders Private Hospital our Urologists have access to advanced laser technology and laprascopic equipment to provide a minimally invasive approach to the treatment of urology disorders.
For more information please refer to our Urology Services page.
The Flinders Private Hospital Vascular Service is highly specialised and provides for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with diseases of the arteries and veins. We have a dedicated team of internationally renowned Vascular Surgeons based on-site, who work with a team of specialist Nurses, Medical Officers and Allied Health professionals to provide the highest level of care for our patients.
Our Vascular Surgeons provide the following services:
Endovascular Procedures:
- Carotid Stenting
- Diagnostic Angiogram
- Embolisation
- Endoluminal repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
- Mesenteric Angioplasty and Stenting
- Peripheral Arterial Angioplasty and Stenting
- Thrombolysis
Surgical Vascular Procedures:
- Arterial Bypass and Endarterectomy
- Carotid Endarterectomy
- Diabetic Foot Management
- Varicose Veins - Non-invasive Radiofrequency Ablation (laser therapy)
- Venous Access Procedures
Our Vascular Service is supported by three angiography suites, dedicated vascular theatres, radiology, pathology, a 10 bed Critical Care Unit and 24/7 Medical Officers rostered on-site.